Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obligatory first post explanation

Welcome one and welcome all to Screams From a Foaming Mouth, my new venue for... well whatever I have have a yen to type about really. Stylistically, this will probably be an illustrated blog, just because I know folks like looking at eye bleedingly terrible 'art'. People do still like that right? Fun facts about this blog:
1) I settled on the name after the first 15 I tried proved unavailable.
2) I named it (loosely) from a lyric in the song "From the Hips" by Cursive ( the actual lyric is 'I wanna scream it from my foaming mouth')
3) Uh... I guess that's all I got
So strap in and enjoy, because as Guy de Maupassant probably never said, "Hey, at least it's better then Syphilis"


  1. Isn't pretty much ANYTHING better than Syphilis? -Your darling step-sister that isn't really

  2. A great many things certainly are, but there are worse things, no? Hopefully this is not one of them...
