Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dirty hands or, I don't wanna wait

The soreness that characterized the day after my car accident are now a distant memory. One side effect remains with me, though. Constant paranoia! Not the useful kind that gives one ninja like reflexes, rather the kind that causes me to gibber like a lunatic anytime I see another vehicle anywhere within a 10 mile radius on the road. Sometimes even when I'm not on the road. Car's everywhere... any one of them could be looking to punch my proverbial ticket... Scary!
I am still tooling around in the rental car that Geico has provided me,but I am getting distinctly anxious to get this process over with. I mean my car is/was old. a 1993 Taurus, so, at the end of the day I know they aren't going to offer me much when they total it... I can only hope it will be enough to get something driveable. But the waiting is hard. It's like that awful feeling of anticipation when your at the doctors office. You've just heard that snap of latex against skin, the soft smeary sounds of Vaseline on gloved hands, those slow measured footsteps, and you know that at the end of it your no-no zone is going to be violated, but by golly you just want it over with so you can move on with your life. It seems I'm going have to wait until at least Monday tho'. I guess I'll use the time to enjoy sitting while I still can.

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